The project from showrunner Taylor Sheridan follows patriarch Jacob (Ford) and matriarch Cara (Mirre...
《1923 第一季》
The project from showrunner Taylor Sheridan follows patriarch Jacob (Ford) and matriarch Cara (Mirren) and explores “the early 20th century, when pandemics, historic drought, the end of Prohibition and the Great Depression all plague the mountain west, and the Duttons who call it home.”
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2.《1923 第一季》是什么时候上映/什么时候开播的?
3.《1923 第一季》都有哪些演员?
4.欧美剧 《1923 第一季》有多少集?
5.手机版免费在线点播《1923 第一季》有哪些网站?
6.《1923 第一季》评价怎么样?